22 August 2014
Website Redesign
In my day job, I am a project manager for an organization dedicated to fighting childhood obesity. We recently launched a redesigned tool to help schools conduct a school health assessment. It was a challenging and fascinating project. The experience encouraged me to spend a couple of hours reskinning The Cookblog. The main points:
- Still powered by WordPress, The Cookblog now runs on a child theme of Twenty Fourteen that I’ve christened De Tocqueville.
- The color palette is still restrained, but with splashes of red (the typographer’s habitual second color, according to Bringhurst).
- In order to relieve the burden of creating scratch illustrations for each post, the Flickr Commons has helped lend the site a rustic decoration of engravings, etchings and woodcuts.
- Comments have been turned off. Sorry, spambots!
Based on what everyone tells me, fatherhood should afford me long stretches of uninterrupted time during which to blog. I’m looking forward to it!